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A collection of data visualizations

·155 words·1 min·
Projects Python Datascience Matplotlib Dataviz Design

One of my favourite activities when working with data is to visualize it. I enjoy creating plots, diagrams, and rendering videos to communicate complex information in a simple and appealing way.

Standalone plots

Here you see some of my data visualizations exclusively rendered in matplotlib without additional edits from graphical editors. Most of them are from my Masters Thesis.

Conference posters

The following list includes some posters from University projects as well as conference presentations. All posters are exclusively rendered in LaTex.

Complex frequency modulations in freely interacting electric fish recorded in their natural habitatInternational Conference of Neuroethology (ICN), Lisbon 2022pdf
Automated detection of chirps in electric fish: Deep learning applied to ethologyAnnual Meeting of the Ethological Society, Muenster 2024 & International Conference of Neuroethology (ICN), Berlin 2024pdf

Data videos

These were created by producing series of individual frames with Matplotlib and combining them into videos with ffmpeg.