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Functions and classes for converting data.

bboxes_from_simulated_chirps(data, nfft)

Make bounding boxes of simulated chirps using the chirp parameters.


  • data : Dataset The dataset to make bounding boxes for.
  • nfft : int The number of samples in the FFT.


pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with the bounding boxes.

Source code in chirpdetector/
def bboxes_from_simulated_chirps(data: Dataset, nfft: int) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Make bounding boxes of simulated chirps using the chirp parameters.

    - `data` : `Dataset`
        The dataset to make bounding boxes for.
    - `nfft` : int
        The number of samples in the FFT.

        A dataframe with the bounding boxes.
    # Time padding is one NFFT window
    pad_time = nfft / data.grid.samplerate

    # Freq padding is fixed by the frequency resolution
    freq_res = data.grid.samplerate / nfft
    pad_freq = freq_res * 50

    boxes = []
    ids = []
    for fish_id in data.track.ids:
        freqs = data.track.freqs[data.track.idents == fish_id]
        times = data.track.times[
            data.track.indices[data.track.idents == fish_id]
        chirps =[ == fish_id]
        params =[ == fish_id]

        for chirp, param in zip(chirps, params):
            # take the two closest frequency points
            f_closest = freqs[np.argsort(np.abs(times - chirp))[:2]]

            # take the two closest time points
            t_closest = times[np.argsort(np.abs(times - chirp))[:2]]

            # compute the weighted average of the two closest frequency points
            # using the dt between chirp time and sampled time as weights
            f_closest = np.average(
                weights=np.abs(t_closest - chirp),

            # we now have baseline eodf and time point of the chirp. Now
            # we get some parameters from the params to build the bounding box
            # for the chirp
            height = param[1]
            width = param[2]

            # now define bounding box as center coordinates, width and height
            t_center = chirp
            f_center = f_closest + height / 2

            bbox_height = height + pad_freq
            bbox_width = width + pad_time

            boxes.append((t_center, f_center, bbox_width, bbox_height))

    dataframe = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=["t_center", "f_center", "width", "height"],
    dataframe["fish_id"] = ids
    return dataframe

convert(data, conf, output, label_mode)

Convert a gridtools dataset to a YOLO dataset.


  • data : Dataset The dataset to convert.
  • conf : Config The configuration.
  • output : pathlib.Path The output directory.
  • label_mode : str The label mode. Can be one of 'none', 'synthetic' or 'detected'.


  • None


This function iterates through a raw recording in chunks and computes the sum spectrogram of each chunk. The chunk size needs to be chosen such that the images can be nicely fed to a detector. The function also computes the bounding boxes of chirps in that chunk and saves them to a dataframe and a txt file into a labels directory.

Source code in chirpdetector/
def convert(
    data: Dataset,
    conf: Config,
    output: pathlib.Path,
    label_mode: str,
) -> None:
    """Convert a gridtools dataset to a YOLO dataset.

    - `data` : `Dataset`
        The dataset to convert.
    - `conf` : `Config`
        The configuration.
    - `output` : `pathlib.Path`
        The output directory.
    - `label_mode` : `str`
        The label mode. Can be one of 'none', 'synthetic' or 'detected'.

    - `None`

    This function iterates through a raw recording in chunks and computes the
    sum spectrogram of each chunk. The chunk size needs to be chosen such that
    the images can be nicely fed to a detector. The function also computes
    the bounding boxes of chirps in that chunk and saves them to a dataframe
    and a txt file into a labels directory.
    assert hasattr(data, "grid"), "Dataset must have a grid attribute"
    assert label_mode in [
    ], "label_mode must be one of 'none', 'synthetic' or 'detected'"

    dataroot = output

    # How much time to put into each spectrogram
    time_window = conf.spec.time_window  # seconds
    window_overlap = conf.spec.spec_overlap  # seconds
    freq_pad = conf.spec.freq_pad  # Hz
    window_overlap_samples = int(window_overlap * data.grid.samplerate)
    spectrogram_freq_limits = (
        np.min(data.track.freqs) - freq_pad,
        np.max(data.track.freqs) + freq_pad,

    # Spectrogram computation parameters
    nfft = freqres_to_nfft(conf.spec.freq_res, data.grid.samplerate)  # samples
    hop_len = overlap_to_hoplen(conf.spec.overlap_frac, nfft)  # samples
    chunksize = int(time_window * data.grid.samplerate)  # samples
    n_chunks = np.ceil(data.grid.rec.shape[0] / chunksize).astype(int)
    msg = (
        "Dividing recording of duration"
        f"{data.grid.rec.shape[0] / data.grid.samplerate} into {n_chunks}"
        f"chunks of {time_window} seconds each.",

    # stash here the dataframes with the bounding boxes
    bbox_dfs = []

    # shift the time of the tracks to start at 0
    # because a subset starts at the orignal time
    # TODO: Remove this when gridtools is fixed
    data.track.times -= data.track.times[0]

    for current_chunk in range(n_chunks):
        # get start and stop indices for the current chunk
        # including some overlap to compensate for edge effects
        # this diffrers for the first and last chunk

        idx1, idx2 = make_chunk_indices(

        # idx1 and idx2 now determine the window I cut out of the raw signal
        # to compute the spectrogram of.

        # compute the time and frequency axes of the spectrogram now that we
        # include the start and stop indices of the current chunk and thus the
        # right start and stop time. The `spectrogram` function does not know
        # about this and would start every time axis at 0.
        spectrogram_times, spectrogram_frequencies = make_spectrogram_axes(

        # If we reach the end of the recording, we need to cut off the last
        # chunk at the end of the recording.

        # make a subset of the current chunk
        chunk = subset(data, idx1, idx2, mode="index")

        # compute the spectrogram for each electrode of the current chunk
        spectrogram = compute_sum_spectrogam(chunk, nfft, hop_len)

        # cut off everything outside the upper frequency limit
        # the spec is still a tensor

        spectrogram = spectrogram[
            (spectrogram_frequencies >= spectrogram_freq_limits[0])
            & (spectrogram_frequencies <= spectrogram_freq_limits[1]),
        spectrogram_frequencies = spectrogram_frequencies[
            (spectrogram_frequencies >= spectrogram_freq_limits[0])
            & (spectrogram_frequencies <= spectrogram_freq_limits[1])

        # normalize the spectrogram to zero mean and unit variance
        # the spec is still a tensor
        spectrogram = zscore_standardize(spectrogram)

        # convert the spectrogram to a PIL image and save
        spectrogram = spectrogram.detach().cpu().numpy()
        img = numpy_to_pil(spectrogram)
        imgpath = dataroot / "images" / f"{}.png"

        if label_mode == "synthetic":
            bboxes = bboxes_from_simulated_chirps(chunk, nfft)
            bbox_df = convert_bboxes_from_simulated_chirps(
            if bbox_df is None:
            save_labels_for_simulated_chirps(bbox_df, dataroot)

        elif label_mode == "detected":
                dataroot, chunk,, spectrogram, spectrogram_times

    if label_mode == "synthetic":
        bbox_df = pd.concat(bbox_dfs, ignore_index=True)
        bbox_df.to_csv(dataroot / f"{}_bboxes.csv", index=False)

    # save the classes.txt file
    classes = ["__background__", "chirp"]
    with / "classes.txt", "w") as f:

convert_bboxes_from_simulated_chirps(imgpath, spectrogram_times, spectrogram_frequencies, current_chunk, bboxes)

Generate labels of a simulated dataset.


  • imgpath : pathlib.Path The path to the image.
  • spectrogram_times : np.ndarray The time axis of the spectrogram.
  • spectrogram_frequencies : np.ndarray The frequency axis of the spectrogram.
  • current_chunk : int The chunk number.
  • bboxes : pd.DataFrame The bounding boxes.


  • pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with the bounding boxes.
Source code in chirpdetector/
def convert_bboxes_from_simulated_chirps(
    imgpath: pathlib.Path,
    spectrogram_times: np.ndarray,
    spectrogram_frequencies: np.ndarray,
    current_chunk: int,
    bboxes: pd.DataFrame,
) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, None]:
    """Generate labels of a simulated dataset.

    - `imgpath` : `pathlib.Path`
        The path to the image.
    - `spectrogram_times` : `np.ndarray`
        The time axis of the spectrogram.
    - `spectrogram_frequencies` : `np.ndarray`
        The frequency axis of the spectrogram.
    - `current_chunk` : `int`
        The chunk number.
    - `bboxes` : `pd.DataFrame`
        The bounding boxes.

    - `pandas.DataFrame`
        A dataframe with the bounding boxes.
    # compute the bounding boxes for this chunk

    if len(bboxes) == 0:
        return None

    # convert bounding box center coordinates to spectrogram coordinates
    # find the indices on the spectrogram_times corresponding to the center
    # times
    x = np.searchsorted(spectrogram_times, bboxes.t_center)
    y = np.searchsorted(spectrogram_frequencies, bboxes.f_center)
    widths = np.searchsorted(
        spectrogram_times - spectrogram_times[0], bboxes.width
    heights = np.searchsorted(
        spectrogram_frequencies - spectrogram_frequencies[0], bboxes.height

    # now we have center coordinates, widths and heights in indices. But PIL
    # expects coordinates in pixels in the format
    # (Upper left x coordinate, upper left y coordinate,
    # lower right x coordinate, lower right y coordinate)
    # In addiotion, an image starts in the top left corner so the bboxes
    # need to be mirrored horizontally.

    y = len(spectrogram_frequencies) - y  # flip y values to fit y=0 at top
    lxs, lys = x - widths / 2, y - heights / 2
    rxs, rys = x + widths / 2, y + heights / 2

    # add them to the bboxes dataframe
    bboxes["upperleft_img_x"] = lxs
    bboxes["upperleft_img_y"] = lys
    bboxes["lowerright_img_x"] = rxs
    bboxes["lowerright_img_y"] = rys

    # yolo format is centerx, centery, width, height normalized to image size
    # convert xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax to centerx, centery, width, height
    centerx = (lxs + rxs) / 2
    centery = (lys + rys) / 2
    width = rxs - lxs
    height = rys - lys

    # most deep learning frameworks expect bounding box coordinates
    # as relative to the image size. So we normalize the coordinates
    # to the image size
    centerx_norm = centerx / len(spectrogram_times)
    centery_norm = centery / len(spectrogram_frequencies)
    width_norm = width / len(spectrogram_times)
    height_norm = height / len(spectrogram_frequencies)

    # add them to the bboxes dataframe
    # theses are the ones that will later make the label files
    bboxes["centerx_norm"] = centerx_norm
    bboxes["centery_norm"] = centery_norm
    bboxes["width_norm"] = width_norm
    bboxes["height_norm"] = height_norm

    # add chunk ID to the bboxes dataframe
    bboxes["chunk_id"] = current_chunk

    # add the image name to the bboxes dataframe
    bboxes["image"] =

convert_cli(path, output, label_mode)

Parse all datasets in a directory and convert them to a YOLO dataset.


  • path : pathlib.Path The root directory of the datasets.


  • None
Source code in chirpdetector/
def convert_cli(
    path: pathlib.Path,
    output: pathlib.Path,
    label_mode: str,
) -> None:
    """Parse all datasets in a directory and convert them to a YOLO dataset.

    - `path` : `pathlib.Path`
        The root directory of the datasets.

    - `None`
    config = load_config(str(path / "chirpdetector.toml"))

    for p in track(list(path.iterdir()), description="Building datasets"):
        if p.is_file():
        data = load(p)
        convert(data, config, output, label_mode)

detected_labels(output, chunk, imgname, spec, spectrogram_times)

Use the detect_chirps to make a YOLO dataset.


  • output : pathlib.Path The output directory.
  • chunk : Dataset The dataset to make bounding boxes for.
  • imgname : str The name of the image.
  • spec : np.ndarray The spectrogram.
  • spectrogram_times : np.ndarray The time axis of the spectrogram.


  • None
Source code in chirpdetector/
def detected_labels(
    output: pathlib.Path,
    chunk: Dataset,
    imgname: str,
    spec: np.ndarray,
    spectrogram_times: np.ndarray,
) -> None:
    """Use the detect_chirps to make a YOLO dataset.

    - `output` : `pathlib.Path`
        The output directory.
    - `chunk` : `Dataset`
        The dataset to make bounding boxes for.
    - `imgname` : `str`
        The name of the image.
    - `spec` : `np.ndarray`
        The spectrogram.
    - `spectrogram_times` : `np.ndarray`
        The time axis of the spectrogram.

    - `None`
    # load the detected bboxes csv
    # TODO: This is a workaround. Instead improve the subset naming convention
    # in gridtools
    source_dataset ="_")[1:-4]
    source_dataset = "_".join(source_dataset)
    source_dataset = chunk.path.parent / source_dataset

    dataframe = pd.read_csv(source_dataset / "chirpdetector_bboxes.csv")

    # get chunk start and stop time
    start, stop = spectrogram_times[0], spectrogram_times[-1]

    # get the bboxes for this chunk
    bboxes = dataframe[(dataframe.t1 >= start) & (dataframe.t2 <= stop)]

    # get the x and y coordinates of the bboxes in pixels as dataframe
    bboxes_xy = bboxes[["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"]]

    # convert from x1, y1, x2, y2 to centerx, centery, width, height
    centerx = np.array((bboxes_xy["x1"] + bboxes_xy["x2"]) / 2)
    centery = np.array((bboxes_xy["y1"] + bboxes_xy["y2"]) / 2)
    width = np.array(bboxes_xy["x2"] - bboxes_xy["x1"])
    height = np.array(bboxes_xy["y2"] - bboxes_xy["y1"])

    # flip centery because origin is top left
    centery = spec.shape[0] - centery

    # make relative to image size
    centerx = centerx / spec.shape[1]
    centery = centery / spec.shape[0]
    width = width / spec.shape[1]
    height = height / spec.shape[0]
    labels = np.ones_like(centerx, dtype=int)

    # make a new dataframe with the relative coordinates
    new_bboxes = pd.DataFrame(
        {"l": labels, "x": centerx, "y": centery, "w": width, "h": height},

    # save dataframe for every spec without headers as txt
        output / "labels" / f"{imgname[:-4]}.txt",
        sep=" ",


Build a file tree for the training dataset.


path : pathlib.Path The root directory of the dataset.

Source code in chirpdetector/
def make_file_tree(path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    """Build a file tree for the training dataset.

    path : pathlib.Path
        The root directory of the dataset.
    if not isinstance(path, pathlib.Path):
        msg = f"Path must be a pathlib.Path, not {type(path)}"
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if path.parent.exists() and path.parent.is_file():
        msg = (
            f"Parent directory of {path} is a file. "
            "Please specify a directory."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if path.exists():

    path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    train_imgs = path / "images"
    train_labels = path / "labels"
    train_imgs.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    train_labels.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)


Convert a 2D numpy array to a PIL image.


img : np.ndarray The input image.


PIL.Image The converted image.

Source code in chirpdetector/
def numpy_to_pil(img: np.ndarray) -> Image.Image:
    """Convert a 2D numpy array to a PIL image.

    img : np.ndarray
        The input image.

        The converted image.
    img_dimens = 2
    if len(img.shape) != img_dimens:
        msg = f"Image must be {img_dimens}D"
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if img.max() == img.min():
        msg = "Image must have more than one value"
        raise ValueError(msg)

    img = np.flipud(img)
    intimg = np.uint8((img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min()) * 255)
    return Image.fromarray(intimg)

save_labels_for_simulated_chirps(bbox_df, dataset_root)

Save the labels for a simulated dataset.


  • bbox_df : pd.DataFrame The bounding boxes.
  • dataset_root : pathlib.Path The root directory of the dataset.


  • None
Source code in chirpdetector/
def save_labels_for_simulated_chirps(
    bbox_df: pd.DataFrame, dataset_root: pathlib.Path
) -> None:
    """Save the labels for a simulated dataset.

    - `bbox_df` : `pd.DataFrame`
        The bounding boxes.
    - `dataset_root` : `pathlib.Path`
        The root directory of the dataset.

    - `None`
    for img in bbox_df["image"].unique():
        x = bbox_df["centerx_norm"].loc[bbox_df["image"] == img]
        y = bbox_df["centery_norm"].loc[bbox_df["image"] == img]
        w = bbox_df["width_norm"].loc[bbox_df["image"] == img]
        h = bbox_df["height_norm"].loc[bbox_df["image"] == img]

        # make a dataframe with the labels
        label_df = pd.DataFrame({"cx": x, "cy": y, "w": w, "h": h})
        label_df.insert(0, "instance_id", np.ones_like(x, dtype=int))

        # save dataframe for every spec without headers as txt
            dataset_root / "labels" / f"{img.stem}.txt",
            sep=" ",